
Titan Telec’s Journey to Automated Job Tracking with Sharedule

Titan Telec International
Telecommunication Services | Singapore
Efficient Job Tracking
Sharedule has transformed Titan Telec’s job tracking process from manual to automated. Gone are the days of relying on spreadsheets or handwritten notes to monitor job progress. With Sharedule’s centralised platform, supervisors can effortlessly track the status of each job in real-time. This automation has significantly reduced the time spent on tracking tasks, allowing Titan Telec’s team to focus more on completing assignments promptly.
Enhanced Accountability
By automating job tracking with Sharedule, Titan Telec has enhanced accountability within their team. Employees can update job statuses and add variation orders conveniently. Supervisors have full visibility into these updates, enabling them to address any issues promptly and ensure smooth job completion. Sharedule’s automated job tracking feature has not only improved efficiency but also fostered a culture of accountability within Titan Telec.
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